About Our Group

On February 2nd 2018, as an young mother and trained lactation consultant ventured to start a Facebook group, Breastfeeding and Pumping Support Group, to guide mothers on lactation and pumping. My personal experience of feeding problems and the difficulties faced to get appropriate help made me sensitive to the needs of other mothers who are often constrained by the lack of authentic service providers who genuinely believe in breastfeeding as a primary option.
I felt like” Being in the medical profession. I went through a lot of ups and downs with my breastfeeding journey Though being a Registered Nurse & Midwife. After a lot of hiccups with my breastfeeding and Relactation, I was diagnosed with postnatal depression.
I needed somebody to talk with me, listen to me Instead of pointing the mistake which apparently are not.
That’s when I met my mentor Dr. Mani Pavitra. She guided me gave me lot of hopes and encouragement. Along with the support from people who love me, we started our Facebook group where we can reach out to moms from all around the world.
I discovered a passion for teaching breastfeeding, and I became a Certified Lactation Educator.

Since then, It was and is a wonderful experience
Starting with one mother in 2018 within 5 years we are working with more than 20,000+ moms to support them to reach their goals. We were able to provide yeomen service for the promotion of breastfeeding and complementary feeding. She has reached over 20+k mothers in need of help.

The purpose of the group is to uplift mothers to achieve their optimum level of breastfeeding by natural means and through pumping as and when needed. We do offer free virtual meet every Thursday discuss with lactation professionals directly.
I have also started my online virtual consultations through Grace wellness lactation clinic which is dedicated to all mothers and families who are able to support my dream.

Through Grace wellness we can support and guide mothers with low supply issues, Exclusive Pumping, Relactation, inducing lactation, and Supporting moms during NICU stay to maintain supply, premature babies and newborn weight monitoring. We do help Mothers guide with understanding flat nipples, inverted nipples, Nipple pain, engorgement, mastitis, Bottle Refusal etc. We also extend it to guidance with complementary feeding and to provide for, and deal with concerns related to, emotional, psychological, and physical well-being of the mother and the child through the support of a trained mental health professional with a rich experience in maternal and child health and nutrition.

We also guide with weaning and help to transition to complementary feeding using the principle of diversity, quantity, and quality. We have realized that a simple digital space such as Facebook and Social media can be a bridge for mothers to receive support and help through evidenced interventions. The mothers in the group uplift one another to engage and continue breastfeeding, the liquid gold for the newborn baby.
Our team Kruthika Krishnamurthy, Prathyush Ajya are my backbone available round the clock to help and supportive mothers. Through guided individualized and group physical exercises during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period, we hope to enhance mothers’ overall sense of well-being.

The Breastfeeding and Pumping group has on its team Gracewellness Nurses, Midwives, lactation professionals, Health educators, and mental health professionals to support the mothers and provide expert advice. The forum has brought together professionals and parents across locations. The focus is on providing care during the first 1,000 days of life, starting from the pregnancy (lasting 280 days) through the first two years of the child’s life. Providing support during this truly delicate part of the lives of a mother and her child can be immensely meaningful and contributory during a period when the child’s growth spurt is maximum.