
Only through the wonderful Mothers support, we were able to do such a marvellous job. Moms are trying to break the myths regarding Breastfeeding and practices that they used to follow. And we are on it to help them to know myths & facts and how to overcome them.

The dedication & determination of moms help me to do much more to enable them to have a smooth breastfeeding journey

There will be more than a hundred plus queries and most of the time it will be unanswered if they ask and sometimes they can’t even ask anybody. We had understood every mom. We were so empathetic with moms and solved every query. Sometimes it is quite challenging as well. Those happy faces excite me to do much more and push me to put some more time into taking care of every Mom. Juggling a career and motherhood isn’t easy. How do you prioritize things and manage the group?

As a Nurse and Midwife, we had pledged to give back to society. In medical terms, let’s say “Serve the people in need”. There were times, I felt overwhelmed by the mom’s mother shrugging the lack of support and resources and not aware of lactation help which pushed me so far. So, I was so passionate to break the myths and reach out to mothers and families by using digital platforms. I believe that, when we had Dedication, the passion I have to support moms the pain I went through I don’t want any other mom to face that so buy support mothers brings such a joy to my soul My family and my team were a great support so able to serve back on my free time where I’m pursuing my job, motherhood and as well as the Grace wellness.