NICU & Preterm, support for mother & baby

Welcome to our NICU & Preterm Support service, where we are dedicated to providing specialized care and support for mothers and babies facing the challenges of neonatal intensive care and preterm birth. Our experienced team is here to offer personalized guidance and compassionate assistance throughout this critical time. Here’s an overview of the services we provide:

1. Emotional Support for Mothers:
We understand that having a baby in the NICU or giving birth preterm can be overwhelming. Our team is here to provide emotional support, empathy, and a listening ear as you navigate this journey.

2. Breastfeeding Support:
Breast milk is especially crucial for preterm babies. Our lactation experts will guide you on establishing and maintaining a breast milk supply, pumping techniques, and other breastfeeding support to give your baby the best possible start.

3. Kangaroo Care Education:
We’ll educate you on the benefits of kangaroo care (skin-to-skin contact) for preterm babies, including improved bonding, temperature regulation, and breastfeeding success.

4. Developmental Support for Preterm Babies:
Our team will offer guidance on developmental care techniques that can support your baby’s growth and development during their stay in the NICU.

5. Communication with NICU Staff:
We will help you understand medical terminologies and procedures, and facilitate effective communication with the NICU staff, ensuring you are well-informed about your baby’s condition and progress.

6. Transitioning to Home Care:
As your baby prepares for discharge from the NICU, we’ll assist you in planning and preparing for their transition to home care, including any special needs or follow-up care.

7. Community Resources:
We can connect you with community resources and support groups that can provide additional assistance and understanding during this challenging time.

8. Bonding and Attachment Support:
We understand the importance of bonding with your baby, even in the NICU. We’ll offer strategies to enhance bonding and attachment, even in a hospital setting.

9. Follow-up Care:
Our support doesn’t end with the NICU stay. We will provide follow-up consultations to ensure a smooth transition and ongoing support for you and your baby.

10. Collaboration with Healthcare Providers:
We work collaboratively with the NICU staff and your healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care and seamless communication.

At Grace wellness, we are committed to walking alongside you during this challenging time. Our service is tailored to meet the unique needs of preterm babies and their mothers, providing support, guidance, and compassion every step of the way. Schedule a consultation with our specialized team today, and let us be a source of strength and assistance during your NICU journey.