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I forgot who added me to this group…but i m really grateful to that unknown friend yes my baby is 6 month now ..nd he is ebf from his age of 2 month the breastfeeding journey was not easy for me I have gone through many ups and downs as i was unable too feed my baby….but finally I was determined to give zero formula and yes I succeeded nd credit goes to this group and I must thank Hannah Grace nd other members who helped me happy mom 


Joy of breastfeeding 

Ebf is very easy when compared to pumping n formula. But in Ebf u undergo a lot of stress  During initial phase of delivery it was very difficult for me to handle people. People around me always used to say feed, feed, feed. I know I have to feed, doc used to say feed every 2hrs n I used to follow that n I also do demand feeding sometimes. But still people are not happy they used to chase me  u know why because baby doesn’t look chubby  I had to argue, fight n get stressed a lot just to convince them to Ebf till 6 months. Wat all efforts I made finally ended up saying your milk is watery, no nutrition, he looks lean But I never gave up  He looks lean but I am sure he is healthy I motivated myself  I used my creativity to overcome stress  Sharing my 10 months of happiness n breastfeeding journey with u   Enjoy breast feeding  Hats off to all who does Ebf in a non supportive environment 

Hello momma’s, Today I would like to thank this group because I have successfully completed 1 year of breast-feeding (exclusively pumping from last 9 months) journey…My daughter is 1 year today. My daughter left direct feeding from me when she was 3 months old I didn’t give up. I exclusively pumped day and night to maintain my milk supply and this group really helped me those days when I feel like giving up. I am a working mom if I can continue and anyone can also continue breastfeeding just believe in urself and DON’T GIVE UP.

Special thanks to Hannah Grace  Loads of love to everyone

Hello Mommas… Today I completed 6 months of Breast feeding. loads of Thanks to this group for sharing so much valuable thoughts I became a member when by lo is 3.5 I used to give formula twice a day which I really regret. Rest she was exclusively Breastfeed. From my experience I request all Moms please do not to listen to what other say like you are producing less milk, baby is hungry, baby is not getting sufficient amount, you should start solid in 4 months, give water, honey, cowmilk this n that say a Big No to all these. Believe me, our body produces as much milk as the baby exclusively Breastfeed your baby till six months and as long as you can continue…give pumped breastmilk when u are unable to Breastfeed directly.. but nothing else… Again thanks to all members and Bless my Baby…..Love you all…

Hi thank you Hannah Grace for your great help for my bf journey  my baby 4 month now first two month I am stick only bf for my baby later seems his pee count come less and total changes for sleeping pattern he have latching issue  because I have inverted nipple  even my left breast nipple is nill. I start formula because of his crying but I am really sad to give him formula I contact Hannah Grace as per her advice I start pumping with one week of time it’s increase my bm now I reduce formula use totally my diet change to two times oatmeal and increase fennel and jeera intake

baby weight BW 3100 LW 2800  CW 5700

Thank you Hannah Grace for your unconditional support and timely response…!!! my baby 2 month now . First month I am stick only bf or my baby later she reduced her weight and doctor suggested to give her formula. I was upset about that and later I joined this group and hannah helped me a lot with flange sizes. I was using wrong flange and she helped with good pump This group has given all support towards efficient breastfeeding for moms like us! As per hannah advice I start pumping and my milk production increased.

Thank you

Hello Everyone,

I wanna share my experience here. I was exclusively breastfeeding my baby but once I started solids (I started early, at 5 months) my bm started reducing I did not realize this soon as baby was on solids after a month or so I realized that my milk wasn’t sufficient for her, she started crying for milk and she was not satisfied with my milk. I started giving her fm, this made my bm go down drastically. I was so worried, stressed and feeling helpless and at this point of time I came across this group and saw few posts on relacting. That gave me a little hope and I immediately contacted Hannah, she guided me so well. Within the next 3 to 4 days I was able to see the difference and since I hadn’t stopped breastfeeding completely, my body was able to produce bm as per requirement quickly. Slowly I reduced fm and increased bm. Within 2 weeks my bm established as per my daughter’s requirement. I feel so relieved and happy now. For those who are struggling out there, hugs to you all. Stay positive and don’t give up.

Hi all I’m a mom of a 2 month old(my second baby). I had a horrible experience breastfeeding my elder son coz of nipple cracks n also lack of information, felt bad that I weaned him very early too this time was determined to breastfeed alone when one of my friends joined me in this group. Earlier I had a lil nipple pain and panicked if i can breastfeed properly. Thankfully Hannah sis guided me with the correct information and that helped me have a head start with my breastfeeding experience. Now I’m exclusively breastfeeding my son without any problems. There a lot of women like me who want to breastfeed but who know less this group is a boon to such mothers I appreciate for the good work

Hello fellow moms,

I have 2 kids, elder a 5 year old girl and second one a 5 month old baby boy. For my girl, I had to give formula ,every alternate feed during her 2nd and 3rd month as I did not have much supply after a c section ,and that made me stress more and ended up my baby having less pee count, and no weight gain etc and when my doc and nurse after 1 and half months of constant try to ebf they said we have to go for formula because the baby was suffering. After 4th month, she herself started refusing bottle and would nurse on my breasts and I stopped formula and fed her for 2 years and 2 months. And this time, my boy was delivered through a c section at 34 weeks, he weighed 2kg and had multiple intestinal obstructions and underwent a surgery after 24 hours and was in NICU for 31 days he was on parental nutrition till he was okay to be breastfed. So I was asked to pump and store the milk, for which Hannah Grace and this group have helped me a lot ,and thankfully when my boy was ready to feed I had enough bottles ready and I breastfeed him now and planning to start solids after he completes 6 months and insha Allah to continue breastfeeding 2 years plus thank you.

Team, the journey with u all had been wonderful. There were many things which we were not aware of or were afraid of. U all had helped those to get clear. Motivated us to the level where we could stand against all sayings like you don’t have enough milk or baby is still hungry coz he can’t feed properly for personal queries hannah and Princy k Khurana had been totally forthcoming. They talked and helped us to see things with different perspective. Knowing a stranger who had never known u her entire life is still trying to help by listening u is the biggest pillar of support of this group. They don’t judge or make a perception about u and what else they know that u can feel worst but still are ready to hear your depressing thoughts just to make u comfortable Thank u team for your wonderful work and please keep doing it this journey is long and there are people who might not be forthcoming but yes they do listen read and feel your work and it helps them.

Dear All..!!

Today I don’t have any question or doubt, I just want to say a Big Thank you to this wonderful group. My baby turned 6 months old today. Initially I was struggling to feed her and was expressing. Then there was a time when my supply dropped and I was about to start formula milk. It was during that crucial time this group came to my rescue and Today I completed 6 months of exclusive Breastfeeding. I don’t have words to express my gratitude to wonder people who helped me in my journey. Special thanks to Hannah, Arpana, Diana and shamili. Your kind and knowledgeable acknowledgement to my every silly or serious query always came to my rescue. Your motivation, kind words, group post always helped me to achieve this. 

A Big thank you to you guys.

 Lots of love and hugs..!!

 God bless you all..!!

This post is to thank Hannah for her constant support and care during my pre and post delivery time. Anyone with a fret , just talk to this wonderful lady for a minute and you’ll sure feel positive and hopeful ! Any day,  anytime I could just ping her and there she was with her sisterly love and affectionate words to make me feel confident and motivated to move forward with positive mind. Her online classes as well as the notes and posts she has shared in the group are very useful. If we genuinely go through those I would say we needn’t worry for the silly things or doubts which we come across! She builds confidence in our ability as a woman to feed our baby without relying on formula. I had fallen for the formula trap during my first delivery but this time not an ounce of formula I’ve fed to my LO . Thanks to Hannah who constantly supported me with her various advices and suggestions.

My lo is 80 days old. I really don’t have any words to describe my journey in these 80 days.The day I got discharged and the next day my lo has cried incessantly all night without gap. I had no idea that I had to keep putting him on my breast n do a lot skin to skin ( wasn’t a part of this group then). One or two of my elders convinced me that I had less or no supply n pushed me into the FM trap n I started FM.  To my surprise he slept so well after having FM n I was almost convinced that I may not be able to produce enough milk for my son which made me have sleepless nights.  Adding to it both my nips were bleeding  cos of soreness n cracks. After almost 10 days I joined this group n that’s when I took Hannah Grace help to know the reality but was a little late cos my lo already got used to fm.. but I wasn’t ready to give up.. I put him on my breast every single hour( day and night) cos I was desperate to wean of FM before he completely gets used to it.. my lo’s pee counts n weight gain was normal but he was on mixed feed n I dint know if it was cos of fm or bm.. then my supply started slowly inc. and again another big blow.. I got breast abscess cos I was having galact n tablets prescribed by my gynac and shatavari n was doing every possible thing to inc milk supply.Those were the worst days of my life.. all night I would be awake and try to release the duct n blister. my breast was so heavy n my right hand was also so painful that I wasn’t even able to lift my lo n I could not feed him from that breast but as per advice from Hannah I took my mom’s help n kept putting him on my breast but poor thing couldn’t latch cos of the engorgement.

And again FM journey increased  I was super stressed. got admitted in the hospital n was on Iv fluids for 2 days cos my temp was 102 n would not reduce at all n was shivering . Then I had needle aspiration done to remove infection.. but again the pus collected and the wound ruptured n pus leaked out so I had to press n remove the infection n got the wound stitched (4 stitches). I was on antibiotics for a month All this started when my lo was 2 weeks and the stitches healed completely just last week. Almost 2 months I have suffered but guess what I NEVER stopped feeding him from the affected breast. I slowly started reducing FM gradually and until 10 days ago I used to give only once in the night n guess what to my surprise he started rejecting FM almost 10 days back.. he refused to take n spit it out.. n the very next moment I offered boob n he happily nursed and now I’m a proud mommy of an ebf baby so mommies there will be a lot of ups n downs  in the bf journey and definitely every mom would have heard this from one of the elders “ ur supply is not enough “ but never ever ever trust that cos they don’t know your body only you know.. every mom can definitely satisfy her babies hunger.. that’s how god has made us so don’t let any human to let u not believe that.

I’m really thankful to every mommy in this group who helped me out with my queries. 

Happy nursing mommies 

pumping moms journey 

I wanna share how my pumping journey was from  10ml to 125ml – Single session from one Breast. Firstly I had less knowledge about pumping meanwhile I was feeding formula for my lo without trusting my body. Now with the support from Hannah Grace, tips and tricks which I implemented increased my supply. I trust my body completely now. You guys too can feel the feel when u don’t touch your flask to mix FM for your lo. I understood that keep trying without any hesitation nor giving up will show the results. Hannah will always have a follow up so I was able to clear all my doubts without any inhibitions.(Personally what I felt is I have someone to take care of my pumping journey always). I don’t regret being an exclusive pumping mom. 

Trust yourself

  PS: I bought new 260ml bottle for morning sessions too. — feeling happy with Hannah Grace.

Hello mommies,

Here I am sharing my relactation journey. My lo is 5 months old now but I got separated from my baby at birth because of maternal issues , I got my baby back when he was 2.5 old,  I was so happy but that guilt inside killing me everyday,  I didn’t feed my BM which is so important for his growth and development & mental growth, I was searching on sites regarding relactation but there are some oldies in family who told me that it is not possible, but hadn’t lose my hope, than I got to know about this group breastfeeding & Pumping support: India ,  and I contacted  Hannah for assistance and guidance She motivated me and gave me all the information how to hand express and importance of skin to skin & latch technique and possibility of relactation and I got assed for flange size by lactation Consultant on this group and got hospital strength pump and started pumping & hand expression at least 8 times in a day and I started get one drop on one breast no milk from others after frequent stimulation every 2hrly ,some drops of milk by pumping and hand expressions, had lots of skin to skin contact with my baby and encouraged him to latch on . After few days I got to know about SNS system by which my baby started deep latching properly and now he is taking breastfeed by SNS. This journey is somehow miracle for me because I was lost all the hopes but because of Hannah and this group this could happened…i m very thankful to u Hannah u r such a great and kind heart person. And we also having a group of relaxation support Indian on FB specially for relactation moms and on what’s app too.

There are so many moms who are with me in this journey and they are very supportive to each other and Hannah guide us so properly for everything. 

Now I’m able to getting approx 9 ml breast milk that too in only 25 days and my baby is on latching too. 

This make me super motivated and to all moms who are dry nursing still expressing milk & Pumping if no milk also don’t loose hope 

Relactaion is possible with proper guidance , to all other moms who worry I’m not having no milk or low supply you all need to breastfeed your baby supply always maintains on demand 

Have a wonderful day happy to share my story with you all 

So I want to say to all mothers who are thinking about relactation or lose all about it.. So please don’t lose hope relactation is possible. 

Believe ur body and love for your baby.. Please don’t be stressed and be free enjoy your motherhood this time is very precious for every mother. — with Hannah Grace.

Relactation stories 

Hey beautiful mommy’s,

I’m a happily breast-feeding mother of a 10 month old baby boy! When I say happily breast-feeding I MEAN IT 4 months back I never know how much happiness “Breast feeding” would actually give

Yes! I was one among those who lost their supply completely in the very first week of delivery and struggling to get the supply back and enjoy feeding. 

When my son was 3 days old he got jaundice and doctor told that it was because of insufficient fluid (breast milk) and advised to start with FORMULA.We started with formula (since we had lack of knowledge in lactation) and there came my partner “Postpartum depression”. 

Since I wasn’t feeding him, there have been days that I felt useless that I’m not the source of his food, no emotional bonding with him and actually into deep depression. It’s painful being an incapable mom. You will be depressed to the core thinking about your low milk supply and with the people around that would judge you like You are not ready to give your bm to your baby, not even trying to feed eithout even understanding the pain that we go through along with giving examples about the babies who were formula fed and the stories of their wet sarees 

And that is when I found this Wonder Woman “Hannah ” and this beautiful group When I spoke with her for the very first time I literally had no idea that I would feed my baby & write a post like this.. I told her that “I have tried everything but no results, You are my last hope! ” And she said “But not Hannah” with tons of confidence. And she did it 

After 4 months of time, I’m now breast-feeding my boy just because of this woman who was there with me in all my hard time and motivated me like anything.. She is just stood up for me in all my bad situations and tapped my back and gave a push when I was down!  Yes! It took me 4 months with lots of give up’s (it might not be the case with everyone) 

But, IT’S TOTALLY WORTH ALL THE PAIN & STRUGGLE Today, I can bet nobody would be happier than me!  Just because I’M BREAST FEEDING MY BOY. 

And for the mommy’s with low supply – Remember to trust your body trust your baby., Patience is the key & yes! Relactation